Beth Rosenshein

Beth is an electrical/bio-medical engineer. She has three United States patents, one for a unique design of a vaginal speculum, one for a clever urinary collection device specifically designed for women, and a patent for an intravaginal data collection device. Beth discovered and documented an important drug interaction between esomeprazole (Nexium™) and testosterone. Her findings were published in a case study in The American Journal of the Medical Sciences in May 2004. She petitioned the FDA in August 2003 to change the labeling on hormone products. The petition was granted in September 2004, changing the labeling on all estrogen products. She also wrote a book on how to extend the functional life of the ovaries which could postpone menopause by decades, Preventing Menopause, How to Stop Menopause Before it Starts. Beth is also a wife and mother and lives in Boulder, CO

Leon Rosenshein

Leon is a mechanical/aerospace engineer with an MBA currently working in the software industry. He has served on the board of several non-profit organizations. Together, Leon and Beth founded Diamond Research Foundation.