I want your future to be better than my present

I believe women of all ages deserve accurate information about what they can expect as their ovaries age and what they can do about it. I know that women are not receiving accurate information and I want to change that.

Generally, the primary source of information is medical research from which guidelines are developed. Doctors then use these guidelines which are called ‘evidence based medicine’. When medical research is done ethically combined with solid science evidence based medicine can be powerful.

However, when medical research is done unethically and without solid science unhealthy guidelines can be generated, and women can be harmed.

Unfortunately, for menopausal women, this is their reality.

It is a fact that menopausal research has largely been unethical and not rooted in solid science. As a result, the menopausal women recruited into these unethical clinical studies have been harmed and the guidelines generated from these unethical clinical studies have harmed even more women.

It is painful to realize that the poor outcome of menopausal research is from a disregard for the health and well-being of menopausal women. It is also painful to know that it didn’t have to be this way. Unethical menopausal research is based in scientific misconduct and not a shortage of solid science. It was a choice.

My goals are to explain how menopausal research is largely unethical, invite you to sign petitions to change how menopausal research is conducted and to empower menopausal women with the tools they need to get effective treatment based on the solid science that already exists.

I invite you to read my blog and sign my petitions.

My blog addresses the misconceptions, myths, and misleading and inadequate vocabulary that women have to deal with while trying to understand their bodies better while seeking effective treatment with ovarian hormones.

My petitions can be your voice. Sign my petitions to demand the FDA ban the use of harmful ingredients in menopause drugs and demand the NIH stop unethical menopause research.

I hope you’ll join me on this journey to make the future better for all of us.
